High school drama is a staple for every teen’s movie, right? I mean, there’s High School Musical, Adventures in Babysitting, Mean Girls, and even Heathers! Every high school movie or show has drama in it, but what about in real life? Is high school drama THAT prominent in our society?
It’s true. Drama is what keeps students coming to school in the first place. No matter which table you sit at, which period you eat lunch, or who you’re friends with, there will be drama. Whether your tablemates are experiencing it, or just retelling it, there will be drama. Celebrities experience drama, sports teams have drama, your parents had drama. Everyone has drama in their life. It’s not just a crazy idea from a movie, drama is something everyone in high school, or everyone in life, has experienced. This begs the question: how much drama is too much drama?
I could list at least three people that have something going on right now that would be considered drama, and I can name three more people that have retold these stories to their friends! I know so many people who claim to not start or spread drama, but then talk about someone behind their back! The craziest thing is that drama doesn’t stop when you get out of high school. My family will constantly complain about something that happened at work, or something that someone did on the road. This constant running in circles, chasing after drama and attention, should it not get tiresome?
Although drama in real life might not be nearly as dramatic as it’s shown in books or movies, it still has an impact on the people involved. Everyone has emotions, opinions on people, likes and dislikes. Everyone has things to say, even if it is on the smallest, most unimportant thing ever. This is why drama is so prominent in society. Drama is what keeps the world spinning, whether people like it or not. Yes, drama can get to be a lot and be tiring to deal with but it’s how the world keeps spinning.