Everyone makes every year for the New Year, and most don’t even stick to it for even a month, everyone gives up by February. So, I have researched the top goals, and I’ll give you tips on how to stick to them.
One of the most top resolutions are financial goals, and the best way to save/improve money for your goal is to start with your debt, set savings goals, pay yourself first, stop unneeded addictions (this can go with another goal like improving your wellbeing.) and have money aide for bills and stop door dashing and make your own food.
Next is improving yourself and well-being are many different things, such as your physical health, mental health and social health. You can have things like have good people around you, have time for yourself, get plenty of sunlight, find new hobbies. Hydration can also help.
Having or bettering your skills for a professional level is a good thing, and some of the best skills to better are
- Problem solving, by using logic and analysis to solve problems.
- Teamwork, the ability to collaborate well with others, cooperative, reliable and sensitive.
- Time management, which is being able to complete set tasks on time without sacrificing quality.
- Adaptability, you need this to adjust to changing situations and take on roles.
- Leadership skills are important, especially because if you are planning for that promotion to a team manager or high, then you need to be confident, have accountability
- And most important is communication, how could you ever have a good relationship with your boss or coworkers if they do not even know what you are saying to them? It’s important they you can concisely tell what you need to say or listen to your co-workers.
And last goals that people make are, travelling. Now I personally don’t have good destinations for you, but I do have some tips on how to survive your trip, from the airport there to your stay and departure.
- Starting before your trip, always remember to research the destination, like cultures, currency exchanges, ways of transportation, amazing and popular sight-seeing spots and major safety concerns that could jeopardize your stay.
- Check your passports, or identification cards, it would be very embarrassing to show up and not have your passport, or even worse, it’s expired. So always check that incase you do end up going to your destination but can’t make it home because your passport expired.
- Make your reservations early, even before your trip, but plan to have free time so you’re not running from one place to the next.
- Make sure you have travel insurance, because you can never know if you get food poisoning or a broken bone, even at your dream destination. Nobody wants a huge bill for a huge incident outside of your country.
- Pack LIGHT, not like you’re planning to move there. You want to avoid those fees like the plague, you want to keep that money saved for souvenirs. You want to bring a rock home for your cousins. Not nothing and get uninvited to Christmas function.
And while at your dream destination,
- Make sure you stay hydrated, again with the travel insurance, you don’t want to pass out and wake up in the hospital. That would be awful. Especially in hotter climates, don’t be the weakest link on your trip and make it uncomfortable. Have somebody else pass out.
- Protect your belongings, like clutch your pearls type way and keep your eyes on your bag because someone could rob you, especially in France, those dang pick pocketers stealing phones.
- And best of all, along with researching, learn the common greeting. Don’t look like a fool for saying, “hello” in China, that would be embarrassing.
- And not on the list I researched for, but don’t be way too silly, you’re a tiny representative for whatever country you came from as a tourist. Being disrespectful is what got the Geisha district, Kyoto Japan, shut from having tourists. Be mindful because the country could have not let you in.