The Tracks Finally Done!
November 1, 2022
Horace high school finally got their track done and ready for the season. The track was meant to be done about two years ago but over time it kept getting delayed over and over. They kept extending the price to get it done so it took a while. But it also had some stuff to do with the high school to get done and built. Now that the high school is built, they were able to work on the track and get it done at the beginning of the year. It took a little while, but it is finally done and ready for the season.
Leigh Daley is the girls’ varsity track coach this year. She was also one of the head coaches last year for track and field. During their season last year, it was extremely difficult for them to start the season as a varsity team. It had many challenges for them, including the inability to measure the correct workout distance or lines. The inability to practice relay handoffs with true exchange zones, and the inability to train with blocks or use spikes during practice.
Daley’s core value as a coach is dedication to improvement, the program, hard work/strong work ethic. Giving your best effort every day and choosing to see and think positive. With the other coaches this year they will be able to help her out with things, so she doesn’t have to single-handedly help develop the team and community support. That comes from the collective effort of all coaches- head assistants -and athletes but also their families. It takes everyone knowing that they have a role to play and can contribute something valuable to the team and program. Also stepping up to do that when they see the opportunity arise.
Riley Dolezal is also one of the track coaches this year. He is excited to help build the program and see what the students can do. He’s going to try and help them out as much as he can with the knowledge and passion he has with track and field. Trying to get some great coaches out there to get all the athletes better. Whether it’s track or just get them better for any other sport. He really likes track and there was a position opened to be a coach, so he took it. He knows that if we get somebody in there that knows a lot about the sport and setting up everything from meets set up, to managing kids. Also being a teacher in the building that can help get kids out and hopefully get them into something that they might like. But at least be able to try it out and see what they want to do.
Dolezal was a professional javelin thrower for 9 years. Before that he was coaching at Fargo South and Fargo North. He was also a volunteer assistant at NDSU for 10 years. Right out of college and competed in college at NDSU also.
Harvey McMahon is the head football coach for Horace High school. The football team couldn’t play their first football game in the field this year with the track not being done. But the team is very used to being fluid and having all the changes with their football seasons from these couple years. Now that the tracks done, they don’t need to worry about it anymore.
Now they we have a track it’ll be better for track and field this year and hopefully we’ll be able to have a track meet this year now that it’s done.