Baby Hawks!

Kae Stevermer, Student Writer

This year, Horace High gained a bunch of new hawks, some new freshman coming from the middle school, and some coming from elementary schools all around the district, but what people don’t know is that there have been more new hawks then just the new students! Over this summer and fall, there have been a group of baby hawks that have arrived!

Ellie James Gaylord was on August 7th this year, and she is 4 months old as of December 7th! Her mom, Mrs. Gaylord, lives in Moorhead and plans on sending Ellie to a Spanish immersion program, so Ellie will not be attending Horace when she is older!

The next baby is Reni Belle McMahon, Mr. McMahon’s daughter. She is 1 month and 2 days old as of December 8th, and both her and her sister are planning on going to Horace!

Mr. Feltman also had a kid recently, he is 17 weeks old and his name is Nelson. Nelson also plans on being a Hawk when he is older, if Mr. Feltman stays at their current house!

A four-week-old is next on our list, Slate Ledger La Deaux plans on also coming to Horace when he is older! As of the December 8th, Leo James Saunders is almost 5 months old! Sadly, Leo does not plan on being a hawk, instead he is going to be a squirrel at Central Cass School District.

Now, the final baby was born just a few weeks ago! Mrs. Shearer was due on Friday the 25th this month and she had a successful childbirth, letting little Winter Hope Enger come into the world on the 23rd, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!

Let’s all hope 2023 brings many more wonderful new baby hawks and let’s pray for the health and well-being of all the new mothers in the world! Happy holidays to everyone!