It’s no secret that Horace has grown. This past year, the high school’s population has nearly doubled. The growth we’ve seen hasn’t been without some growing pains, however. More students make things a lot more crowded, which has been made obvious by the main parking lot running out of vacancies. The school’s solution is… the Parking Pass. Supposedly, these make sure no non-students park in the lot during school hours, a solution that is fully redundant by the parking tickets, which can only be paid for during school hours in the office. As if this solution wasn’t ridiculous enough, these parking passes cost $10 per student. Any students who prefer to drive themselves to school, for any reason, has to purchase a small plastic sheet to hang over their mirror, to the chagrin of many-a father, convinced that visibility has been reduced by at LEAST 25%. Whoever made the decision to charge students for the ability to BE AT SCHOOL should be ashamed that they used students as profit for this poorly designed and useless system.
Parking Passes: Using Students as Profit
Opinion Piece
Britta Soderholm, Editor
October 15, 2023