Why You Should Join Speech


Nadir Mohamed

Are you looking to be a part of a top-ranked program? Are you looking to bring your message to the world? Are you looking to join a community of champions? Speech season has arrived here at Horace, and this is why you should join speech.

Let’s begin with some history, the speech program was the third forensics program formed under the helm of Nathan Amberg. Speech was one of the first varsity programs offered to Horace students. Due to the all-encompassing nature of the 14 events offered in the activity, speech quickly became one of Horace’s largest programs. The team is led by Mr. Amberg, who has been coaching for over a decade and is the 2022 speech coach of the year. The program is also aided by the dedicated efforts of the program’s assistant coaches Mrs. Kruger, Ms. Klusman, Ms. Hillman, and Cassidy Hughes. We also have a new addition this year with the exalted Bill Egan joining our ranks (He’s really good at Speech). Over the past two years, Horace’s speech team has continued to exceed expectations. Horace took 2nd at EDC and 5th at state last year, along with having a set of state champions in Humorous duo with Alora Rude and Veda Voegele. Horace has also had numerous EDC Champions, with Levi Gorden winning impromptu in 2021 and six EDC champions in 2022.

Now, what is Speech? Speech is an activity very similar to track in its composition because it’s comprised of a series of events, so you are able to specialize and find a personalized event. The events can be broken into three categories: public speaking, interps, and draws. Public speaking events are self-explanatory, with the premise of these events being that you write a piece on a topic you are interested in. Events in this category include Inform, Persuade, and Entertain. Next is interps, which are acting events. You get a script that you get to perform either by yourself or with a partner. The variety of scripts offered allows you to find something to fit your style. Events in this category include Serious (Duo), Humorous (Duo), Storytelling, Dramatic, etc. Finally, we have draw events. These events are known for their quick, off-the-cuff style of speaking. You don’t get your topics until the tournament, and it’s heavily based on your quick thinking. Events in this category include Impromptu, Extemp, and Radio. Regardless of your style, there is sure to be an event for you.

Finally, here are some statements from members of the team.

Maggie Dick (Radio/Persuade/Inform/Poetry); “Speech improves your speaking skills, and there’s a community. You gain friends, I mean, all my friends are from speech.”

Griffin Terras (Inform/Entertain/EPR); “If it weren’t for speech, I would probably be terrible at writing.”

Aiden Doeling (Serious Duo/Dramatic/EPR); “Speech, it gives you something to do.”