Looking to Graduation A First Look at Horace High’s Future Class Rings and Graduation Gowns

Levi Gorden, Student Writer

Opening only in October of 2021 Horace High School has already seen great development. With new wings being opened, new students flowing in, and new plans being made, Horace is set to be a major school within the next decade. Having only freshman and sophomore students, Horace High will have two years before it has its first graduating class. And a lot of effort is being put into having that graduation event planned and ready in time.

This issue has been entrusted to the handling of the Principal’s Advisory Council. A student council focused more on policy implementation than event planning. The Principal’s Advisory Council is currently working on the design of class rings and graduation uniforms. For the class rings, the main point of discussion has been variety. Class rings are meant to commemorate the time a person has spent in high school. Thus, it has been unanimously decided that every student should be able to be specific with their ring. Athletes can get rings specified to their sport, student council members can get rings that commemorate their service, and people from multiple different school clubs can all get rings that mark their membership. It is also a popular idea among the council that ring size and shape should also be up to student choice. In an interview with council member Seth Almanaseer, he stated “there is usually just one type of ring, [but] we are striving to make everything from adornments to styles customizable.” Graduation uniforms are also a topic of heavy discussion. Graduation uniforms have great variation between different schools. Color, design, and the inclusion of certain academic regalia are all aspects the council needs to consider. It is guaranteed that the main uniform will be black to match the school’s colors, but everything else still a little more up in the air. In the end, it is important to note that there are still over two years before any graduation ceremony is to take place. So, there is plenty of time to get things fully realized.

In conclusion, the graduation of Horace High’s first senior class will be a milestone event for the school. The Principal’s Advisory Council is working to make that time perfect, both on that day, and for every successive class after it.